Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DTS question

Ok, i have a set of foxpro tables and a SQL 2000 db.

i'm trying to move a table of data from the fox to the sql2000.

I'm using dts to point a connection to a particular table in fox, and setting the destination to my sql database.

i select 'create table' and it makes the table in sql for me.

i click on the transformations tab, and it sets up the transforms. no problem.

when i execute, i'm getting these generic errors ('cannot convert data type') or some such bs. the error does not tell me WHAT TRANSFORMATION or what source field is causing the problem.

so i manually went and eliminated each dts transform (one at a time) and ran till i found the offending dts transform.

so i figured this one out.

here's my question:

WHAT A PAIN IN THE BUTT! what can i do to get dts to tell me what friggin transform is the offending transform?

I've got several HUNDRED tables to convert yet, and if i have to do this again i'm going to jump off a tall building.

there's got to be a better way...When we moved our data from Visual FoxPro into SQL Server we used the Upsize Wizard from within Visual FoxPro. It was pretty painless (although I believe we had to add all of the free tables to a database). Would this work for you?


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